Constructing a Brighter Future (CBF)

Overview: Constructing a Brighter Future (CBF) is a collaborative project that builds single-room transitional shelters for the unhoused. This partnership includes Lane County educators, transitional housing organizations, community groups, industry, and workforce. CBF supports local housing needs and introduces young people to high-wage, high-demand construction trades through hands-on learning.

Key Elements:

  • Training: CTE instructors from Lane County school districts are trained to build shelters and lead students in construction, providing practical skills, credentials, and certifications.
  • Impact: In 2021, CBF built shelters for Square One Village and Everyone Village in Eugene, Oregon. The shelters are 8×12 or 8×16, with essential amenities and built on skids for easy transportation.

Shelter Models: CBF built single-room transitional shelters for Square One Village and Everyone Village in Eugene, Oregon. The 8×12 and 8×16 shelters include essential amenities like a bench/bed, small desk, one window, and a door. Some models have electricity or a front porch. Built on skids for easy transport, these shelters are constructed at schools and moved to the housing site upon completion.

2023 – 2024 School Year Goals:

  • Complete and deliver 16 shelters
  • Engage 19 Lane County schools
  • Coordinate CTE mentorships with industry professionals
  • Expand rural site development for CBF projects

2022 – 2023 School Year Data:

  • 16 participating schools (this includes Lane Community College Construction classroom). 11 schools are considered rural.
  • 190 students involved
  • 7 shelters completed and delivered
  • 9 shelters in process for fall 2023


  • CTE Instructor: “Seeing the pride students felt by participating in a meaningful project that addressed a social need was incredible.”
  • CTE Student: “It made me realize I’m helping provide affordable housing.
  • CTE Student: “It made me want to be more helpful in my community.” 

Constructing a Brighter Playbook

The Constructing a Brighter Future Playbook is a comprehensive guide to replicating the success of CBF in other communities. It details core principles, goals, and methods to inspire educators and stakeholders to create positive change.

Benefits to Lane County:

  • Adds housing units for vulnerable populations
  • Introduces young people to high-wage, high-demand construction trades
  • Provides students with valuable workforce skills through hands-on learning
  • Enables schools and students to understand and address community housing needs

By adopting these strategies, communities can make a significant impact and foster positive change.

In the News: CBF has been featured on various media platforms including KRVM(November 2023), The Chronicle (September 2023), McKenzie River Reflections (September 2023), KPNW (September 2023), KLCC (September 2023), KEZI (September 2023), Family Radio’s Community Bridge Feature, NPR Here & Now (August 2023), KLCC (July 2023), KPIC (May 2023), KLCC (April 2023), Register Guard (March 2023), KEZI (March 2023), KGW8 (January 2023), Register Guard (January 11, 2023), KEZI (December 2022), KVAL (December 2022), KMTR (December 2022)


  • Funding Needs: Creating one shelter costs about $8,000. The state’s limited funding towards construction classes cannot fully support the project, therefore alternative funding sources are being sought. The Roundhouse Foundation has contributed $25,000 towards the project and Lane CTE is currently seeking additional funding to match the contribution.


  • Oregon Department of Education – CTE Revitalization Grant
  • Fred W. Fields Fund of Oregon Community Foundation
  • Lane County Economic Development
  • Marie Lamfrom Foundation
  • One Hope/Sheds of Hope
  • Future Ready Oregon – Prosperity 10K
  • Roundhouse Foundation
  • Rotary Club of Eugene


  • Lane Education Services District/Lane CTE/Lane County School Districts
  • Lane Workforce Partnership
  • Lane Community College
  • Square One Village
  • Everyone Village
  • One Hope
  • Richardson Media

Additional Information:

Team Oregon Build (TBO)

Building on the tremendous success of the local “Constructing a Brighter Future” initiative, Lane and Southern ESDs have partnered with the Mid-Willamette Educational Consortium to create and pilot “Team Oregon Build”. This program, which expands upon the existing Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs in these regions, is supported by a $2.6M grant from the Oregon Department of Education through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) fund. The expansion encompasses areas in three Oregon regions impacted by wildfires and homelessness.

Team Oregon Build represents an innovative partnership between education, industry, state, and community organizations to introduce youth to career pathways within high-wage, high-demand construction trades.

Team Oregon Build Resources: