Investing In Our Region

Lane Workforce Partnership (LWP) secures state and federal funds to support job training and employment initiatives in Lane County. As a recipient of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds, LWP also competes for grants to run innovative workforce programs, benefiting youth, young adults, and adults, as well as local businesses.

LWP’s strategic allocation of resources ensures that our job training programs meet the evolving needs of Lane County’s employers. By fostering strong community relationships and maintaining transparency, we maximize the impact of every dollar invested to create a sustainable workforce ecosystem.

Current WIOA Service Providers:

One-Stop Operator

Following a Request for Proposal process, Lane Workforce Partnership (LWP) awarded Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) a contract to serve as the One-Stop Operator from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, with an option to extend for up to three additional years.

OMEP provides One-Stop-Operator Services in Lane County under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and is considered a subrecipient of federal funds, adhering to Uniform Guidance.

Primarily funded through WIOA, workforce services in Lane County support local workforce development, supplemented by other funding sources overseen by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission – Office of Workforce Investments (HECC-OWI). As defined by WIOA Section 678.620, OMEP coordinates the service delivery of required one-stop centers, branded as WorkSource, along with partners and service providers. OMEP is recognized for its effectiveness and conflict-free service delivery in Oregon.

Adult and Dislocated Worker Service Providers – WorkSource Oregon Lane

Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title I funds for adults and dislocated workers must be used for career and training services through the one-stop system, WorkSource. Lane Workforce Partnership (LWP) determines the delivery of these services, per 20 CFR 680.140.

To comply with Oregon Executive Order 13-08, which disallows Local Boards from providing direct services, LWP selected Lane County Health and Human Services (HHS) through a competitive process. HHS, a subrecipient of federal funds, follows Uniform Guidance and is annually monitored for compliance and performance. Contracts run from July 1 to June 30 and are renewed per LWP procurement policies.

Youth Program Service Provider

To comply with Oregon Executive Order 13-08 and WIOA Section 123, Lane Workforce Partnership (LWP) selected Connected Lane County (CLC) through a competitive process to provide all WIOA Title I Youth 14 elements and services. As a subrecipient of federal funds, CLC follows Uniform Guidance and is monitored annually for fiscal and programmatic compliance and performance. Contracts are effective from July 1 to June 30 and are renewed according to LWP procurement policies.

Eligible Training Providers

Oregon’s Eligible Training Provider list helps individuals find suitable training programs, providing information on costs and outcomes. To qualify for WIOA funds and train WorkSource participants, providers must be on this list. Explore the list and access additional resources here. 
For more information, contact WorkSource Oregon Lane at (541) 686-7985 or email