About Lane Workforce Partnership
Meet the workforce needs of employers and individuals through partnerships and innovation.
Lane County will have a trained workforce and individuals will have the knowledge and skills for career success.
Lane Workforce Partnership’s Role
Catalyzer, Convener, Analyzer, Broker, Community Voice, Capacity Builder/Investor.
Goals & Strategic Objectives
Goal 1: Prepare workers for self-sufficiency employment in a new and changing economy.
Strategic Objectives:
- Analyze worker self-sufficiency data driven by systemic challenges [e.g., housing, childcare, legislative policy].
- Be the community voice for individual workers seeking self-sufficiency employment.
- Broker relationships to create solutions to address identified systemic challenges.
- Build capacity to support innovative solutions by seeking incremental funds for investment.
Goal 2: Connect individuals to education, skill-building and employment opportunities in occupations most impacted. [aging workforce, technology impacts]
Strategic Objectives:
- Invest in training programs, including on-the-job training, apprenticeship and customized training focused on replacement opportunities for youth/young adults in jobs most impacted by retirement and other types of projected worker shortages.
- Analyze the impact of AI/technology on worker displacement.
- Invest in career pathway models.
Goal 3: Prepare our youth for future employment.
Strategic Objectives:
- Invest in proven strategies and partner with successful youth programs [e.g., Connected Lane County, Chamber Work Ready initiatives, High School CTE programs] to better align industry and education to increase student access to work opportunities.
- Be the community voice to improve policy makers understanding/willingness to remove apprenticeship pipeline barriers.
Goal 4: Catalyze the community around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to expand workforce leadership and participation opportunities for all.
Strategic Objectives:
- Be a catalyst for systemic change that raises DEI to the level of sector strategy.
- Convene an advisory board as a model of DEI leadership.
- Research and evaluate DEI “state of workforce.”
- Gather and disseminate learning.
- Invest in workforce board training to understand unconscious bias and to lead by example.
- Embed DEI in all LWP policies.
Goal 5: Align strategic partnerships to expand our collective capacity to address systemic workforce challenges. [housing, childcare, legislative policies]
Strategic Objectives:
- Continue to invest in sector strategy work.
- Analyze impacts of technology on industry employment and on workforce training.
- Identify and share job skills with current and emerging workforce.
- Analyze, gather, and disseminate projected data about job evolution/changes/growth.
- Be the voice to create understanding of self-sufficient wages in our community.